Issue #1: How readers deal with SAD, your weekend agenda, and a viral TED talk moment

This newsletter was originally sent on April 18, 2023. Want to get in on the action? You can subscribe to the newsletter here.

FYI: This post includes affiliate links, but I only share things I actually use and love. Thanks for your support!

Cheers to the freakin' weekend! In all Lizzo seriousness, let's take a second to check in. How are you feeling, really? How is your body doing? What are your energy levels? What could you use a little bit more of this weekend? Take a few deep breaths to let life slow and quiet down. Now, really ask yourself how you're feeling and be open to whatever answers come up. You don't need to reorganize your entire weekend, but use this as information to set your weekend up for success. And when in doubt, drink some water. You're probably dehydrated. Aren't we all? 

One quick thing before we go - I'm thrilled to share that after much anticipation (and a few delays 🤪) my new podcast will *officially* be launching in May! Through conversations with wellness leaders, experts, and badass humans, we explore the grey areas of wellness, debunk the bad stuff, and provide actionable resources for creating more of the good stuff. As a subscriber to my email list, you'll be notified FIRST when the episode drops (seriously… before social media!). I can't wait for you to experience it.

Have a great weekend!



For your weekend agenda

🌷To spring clean your fitness routine. The other day my laptop blinked a cheery HAPPY 500TH CLASS! as I finished a particularly brutal 10-minute Pilates class during my lunch break (a favorite way to perk back up, I should add). It was in that moment that I realized I've been using the same platform, Obé Fitness, since the early days of the lockdown. We've spent years together and we're still in the honeymoon phase. I love Obé for the quality of instruction as well as the variety of class formats and lengths. Finding the motivation for a 60-minute class is rough. But 5 minutes of yoga? Easy. Use this link or code DONUTSANDDOWNDOG for a 30 day free-trial at Obé Fitness. Let me know what classes you try, my favorites are Pilates and Sculpt!

Whale, what do we have here? 🐳 I'm not convinced that discussions and dissections of The Whale, a movie about “a reclusive, morbidly obese English teacher who tries to restore his relationship with his teenage daughter.” That said, this review by Lindy West is one of the best I've seen. 

If you're looking to get a little woo. We all memorized our charts in 2020, but do you know your Human Design type? According to Allure; "Human Design is an incredibly specific way to learn more about your personality, emotions, and energy centers. More specifically, Human Design breaks down how you are wired to make decisions, work within teams, parent, and partner." 🔮 Learning my Human Design type has been a helpful way for me to reflect on how I interact with work, what “balance” means for me, and more. Get started exploring your Human Design type (and your friends 👀) here.

When you just need a good Netflix binge. Did Netflix make this just for us? In their new series Wellmania, New York-based food writer Liv Healey (played by internet queen Celesete Barber!!!) receives an opportunity that forces her to reevaluate her choices while stuck in her hometown… Australia. To land her dream job, Liv tackles the good, the bad, and the just a little ridiculous of the wellness industry, using herself as the guinea pig.

Want more recommendations? Check out my favorite podcast and book lists. I add to the lists monthly!


Thank you for over 320K views!

Thanks to all of you, my talk made a Top 10 list for January views and has passed 300k views on the TED YouTube channel. When I first started my blog, holistic wellness was still an incredibly niche subject. I'm touched and genuinely shocked to see how drastically our perception of wellness has changed. I can't wait to see what comes next.


How readers are dealing with seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

A few weeks ago I asked on Instagram for your preferred method for coping with months of eternal darkness (read: seasonal affective disorder). DOZENS of you responded with your favorite tips and tricks. Here's to brighter days ahead…literally. Let me know if you try any of these!

“Working out in the morning to get an endorphin boost combined with going to bed early." - Amy

“The Higher Dose sauna blanket!” - Allie 

"Getting out and going to the gym helps me a lot, specifically using the sauna and jacuzzi!  - Shelby

“I try to embrace it as permission to slow down and reserve energy.” - Cierra

“I swear by a happy light shined on my face for 30 minutes in the morning, and 2000 IUs of Vitamin D daily.” - B

“I try to take a mid-day walk to get UV rays no matter how dark it is.” - Alexis

“A fake tan, fruity drinks, and tropic wallpaper.” - Katie

“I embrace it and focus on rest, sleep, hibernation, and remind myself that it's just a season.” - Sheila

“Light candles round the home in the morning and evening to make things feel cozy instead of dark and depressing. And I keep going for daily walks, even in miserable weather. You never end up regretting a walk.” - Alyssa

“Morning light first thing upon waking up even if it's cloudy, or later in the morning if it's still dark when I wake up. Being outside regardless of the weather helps me so much." - Noni

Let’s connect on Instagram!

This newsletter contains affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase we may earn a small commission at no cost to you. We only mention and share products we genuinely recommend. Thank you for your support!


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